Head lice

Head lice

Head lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that live and
feed on blood from the scalp.
Head lice are tiny greyish brown insects, about the size of a
sesame seed. Head lice cling to hairs, close to the scalp which
they feed off. Head lice lay eggs which hatch after 7 to 10 days.
It takes about 10 days for a newly hatched louse to grow to an
adult and start to lay eggs.
Nits are the empty white egg shells which are left when the
Head lice hatch. Nits look like dandruff, but stick strongly to
hair. Unlike dandruff, nits cannot be easily brushed out.
Head Lice are spread from close hair-to-hair contact. Head
Lice do not jump or fly (they crawl) and generally cannot survive
longer than 24 hours off the host. Head lice soon die when away
from hair, and do not live in clothes and bedding, etc.
Lice feed on human blood and spill their saliva onto the hair
and into the scalp. The patient then develops an allergic reaction
to the saliva, which causes itching and discomfort. In cases where
the head lice have been detected early, the above process may not
have yet occurred and itching may not be present.
A Doctor’s consultation is usually not necessary unless the
scalp becomes infected. Your Pharmacist is able to help you with
Head Lice treatment as most products are available
Insecticide lotion
Treatment with insecticide lotions has been used for many
years. Research studies show that lice can be cleared in about 8 in
10 cases by using an insecticide lotion. You can buy an insecticide
lotion from pharmacies. There are various brands. The active
ingredient is usually malathion or phenothrin. Shampoo, mousse and
creme rinse preparations of these insecticides are not recommended
as they are not in contact with the lice for a long enough time to
kill them. Re-apply the same lotion after seven days. Although lice
are usually killed by one application, not all eggs may be.
Some head lice lotions are very flammable. It is advisable to
use a water-based lotion instead of alchol-based lotion, which may
be flammable. When you or your child have lotion on your hair, keep
well away from fires, candles, gas cookers, pilot lights, matches
and cigarette lighters
Dimeticone is a new type of treatment for Head Lice. It does
not contain chemicals that kill lice and is thought to work by
covering the lice and suffocating them. As it has no insecticide
activity, it is useful in areas where lice have become resistant to
insecticides. However, it has little effect on lice eggs. Like
insecticides, you need to reapply dimeticone 7 days after the
initial treatment. 
Using the Conditioner and Wet Combing Technique is the best
method of detecting Head Lice and can also be helpful in treating
mild cases. For the Conditioner and Combing Technique you will need
  • Ordinary hair conditioner
  • An ordinary and fine toothed comb
  • Hair clips
  • Good light
  • Magnifying glass
  • A waterproof cape
  1. Untangle dry hair with an ordinary comb.
  2. Apply conditioner to dry hair. Use enough conditioner to cover
    the entire scalp and all hair from roots to tips.
  3. Use the ordinary comb to evenly distribute the conditioner.
    Using the hair clips, divided the hair into four or more sections.
    If you are combing your own hair a mirror will help.
  4. Change to a Head Lice comb.
  5. Start with a section of hair at the back of the head. Place the
    teeth of the Head Lice comb flat against the scalp. Comb the hair
    from the roots through to the tips.
  6. Wipe the comb on the tissue after each stroke. In good light,
    check for Head Lice and eggs. Adult lice are easier to see – young
    lice can be difficult to detect. Using a magnifying glass will help
    you detect smaller lice.
  7. Comb each section twice until you have combed the whole head.
    If the comb becomes clogged, use the old toothbrush or dental floss
    to remove the Head Lice or eggs.
  8. Keep combing until all the conditioner is removed from the
  9. Repeat the Conditioner and Combing Technique every 2 days until
    you find no lice for 10 consecutive days. By doing this you will be
    removing all the adult lice and any young lice that hatch from
    undetected eggs.
  1. Place all the tissues you have used in a plastic bag, tie the
    top and put it in the bin.
  2. Wash your hands normally.
  3. Soak combs in hot soapy water (just after boiling) for at least
    30 seconds to ensure that head lice are killed. This should be done
    by an adult because the water is very hot. When the water has
    cooled, use an old toothbrush to remove debris
Some cases of Head lice are very persistent. Reasons why
treatment may not be effective include;
  • Inadequate application of the product
  • Lice are resistant to insecticide
  • Failure to retreat to kill eggs
  • Reinfection
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. See the Conditioner and Wet Combing Technique under the Health
    Management section in this topic.
  2. Use a Head Lice treatment to kill Head Lice. Ask your
    Pharmacist for a suitable brand and how to use it. Repeat the
    treatment after 7 days.
  3. Lice are often resistance to some over-the-counter treatments.
    If the first attempt at treatment is unsuccessful, ask your
    Pharmacist for another brand with different active ingredients and
    repeat the process.
  4. Head Lice treatment kills the adult lice but will not remove
    nits (empty egg cases). Use a special fine-toothed comb, from your
    Pharmacy, to remove nits after treatment. 
  5. Ask your Pharmacist about chemical-free headlice
  6. There are also a number of herbal treatments available, such as
    Tea tree oil, that may help to manage Head lice. Ask your
    Pharmacist for advice.