

Bronchitis is an infection of the main airways of the lungs,
which causes the airways to become inflamed.
Bronchitis is classified as Acute (short term) or Chronic
(long term). The main symptom of Bronchitis is a hacking
Acute Bronchitis: is a very common disease, especially during
the winter months. In the vast majority of cases, Bronchitis is
caused by a viral infection. It often follows a cold, sore throat
or flu. The condition affects both adults and children. Acute
Bronchitis lasts for only a short period of time, usually resolving
without treatment. In some cases however, the condition can be more
severe and long lasting. If the infection lasts longer than three
months, it is known as chronic Bronchitis.
Chronic Bronchitis: is a cough or mucous production that has
lasted for at least three months. Chronic inflammation of the
airways can increase mucous production and may damage the lungs.
The symptoms are coughing and breathlessness, which will get worse
over the years. When lung damage results in airflow restriction,
the term COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is used.
Chronic Bronchitis is usually related to smoking.
Bronchitis can be caused by either a virus or bacteria,
although viral Bronchitis is much more common. Bronchitis can also
be triggered by breathing in irritant substances, such as
pollution, chemicals in household products or tobacco smoke.
Smoking is the main cause of chronic Bronchitis. Inhaling
second-hand smoke also increases the risk of Bronchitis.
Other causes include; inhalation of materials that can damage
the lungs, such as grain dust, textiles (fabric fibres), ammonia,
strong acids or chlorine. This is sometimes referred to as
occupational Bronchitis, and usually eases once you are no longer
exposed to the irritant substance.
Acute Bronchitis
A hacking cough is the main symptom of Bronchitis. In some
cases, yellow-grey mucus may be brought up. The cough may last for
several weeks after other symptoms have gone. The continual
coughing motion may cause sore chest and stomach muscles.
Other symptoms may include:
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Breathlessness
  • Wheezing
  • Sore throat
  • Slight fever and chills
  • Headaches
  • Blocked nose and sinuses
  • Aches and pains
These symptoms, although unpleasant, are usually not severe.
The symptoms of Bronchitis, however, can be similar to those of
pneumonia, so it is important to consult your Doctor if symptoms
worsen or do not resolve.
Chronic Bronchitis
Cough and mucus production are the most common symptoms which
usually last for at least three months and occur daily. Mucus may
be clear, yellowish, greenish, or occasionally, blood-tinged. Cough
and mucus production tends to be worse in the early part of the
day. As the day progresses, less mucus is produced.
Dyspnoea (shortness of breath) gradually increases with the
severity of the disease. Usually, people with chronic Bronchitis
get short of breath with activity and begin coughing. Dyspnoea at
rest usually signals that COPD or emphysema has developed. Wheezing
(a coarse whistling sound produced when airways are partially
obstructed) often occurs.
In addition, symptoms of fatigue, sore throat, muscle aches,
nasal congestion, and headaches can accompany the major
Always consult your Doctor for diagnosis and advice. In no way
is this information intended to replace the advice of a medical
  • Most cases of acute Bronchitis will clear up over a period of
    days without the need for special treatment. If the fever lasts
    more than 5 days, or the symptoms are severe, see your
  • Immunisation is available against many of the viruses that
    cause Bronchitis.
  • Antibiotics may be prescribed if a bacterial infection is
    present. These medicines are not effective against viral
  • Tobacco smoke is the most common cause of chronic Bronchitis.
    Quitting smoking will help you to recover from Bronchitis and will
    slow the rate of lung function decline and development of
  • If you are diagnosed with chronic Bronchitis, your Doctor may
    refer you to a respiratory medicine specialist.
  • Avoid inhaling irritating substances such as cigarette smoke,
    pollution, chemicals etc.
  • When you have recovered from Bronchitis, regular aerobic
    exercise can help improve lung function.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Pure water, herbal teas, soups and
    diluted vegetable juices are recommended. Carrot and ginger are
    excellent for the respiratory tract.
  • Include garlic and onions in the diet. These are natural
    antibiotics and may help reduce infection and inflammation.
  • Foods high in vitamin A are thought to promote healing,
    strengthen lung tissue and boost the immune system. Sources include
    carrots, mangoes, parsley, spinach and pumpkin.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C may boost the immune system, reduce
    infection and promote healing. Sources include lemons, grapefruit,
    oranges, limes, grapes, strawberries, cherries and pawpaw.
  • Avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy foods, heavy starches,
    processed foods, sweets, white flour and saturated fats
  • Herbal teas such as plantain, thyme, liquorice and elderflower
    are thought to be useful for bronchial infections. Use honey
    instead of sugar as a sweetener.
Nutritional supplements may be of benefit if dietary intake is
  • Vitamin C is a major antioxidant present in the airway surface
    liquid of the lung. It may also reduce infection and
  • Cod liver oil is an excellent supplement as it has high amounts
    of vitamin A and D which are important for healthy immune function
    and also aid in restoration of the mucous membranes. Cod liver oil
    also contains essential fatty acids which are
  • Garlic and echinacea in high doses can be taken to help fight
    off infection.
  • Golden seal can be taken to help in the restoration of the
    Mucous membranes.
  • Myrrh, mullein, slippery elm, thyme, elder, horseradish and
    fenugreek are well known for their benefits to the respiratory
    tract .
The listed essential oils are suggested for the relief of
Bronchitis. The most specific oils are shown in capitals.
Aniseed, BENZOIN, Cajeput, Cedarwood, EUCALYPTUS,
FRANKINCENSE, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Jasmine, MYRRH, Pine,
MASSAGE: Blend any single listed essential oil or combination
of several essential oils – 5 drops (total) to 10mL (1/3 fl oz)
vegetable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel. Apply
twice daily to chest, upper back and throat with gentle
STEAM INHALATION: In a bowl containing one litre of steaming
water, add 5 drops (total) of essential oil; cover head with towel
and inhale while leaning over bowl. Keep eyes closed.
VAPORISATION: Add 5 drops(total) single essential oil or
combination of several essential oils listed to water in oil
These recommendations are for an adult. For infants over 3
months and up to 2 years, use 1/4 dose i.e.: 1 drop to 10ml (1/3 fl
oz) ; children 2 -12 years and during pregnancy use 1/2 dose.
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Follow the Diet Hints.
  2. Get plenty of rest and fluids.
  3. Check with your Pharmacist before using a cough mixture. There
    are many different ingredients in cough mixtures which may not all
    be suitable for Bronchitis.
  4. Identify and avoid any environmental triggers that aggravate
  5. Quit smoking. Ask your Pharmacist for help and advice on
  6. Paracetamol or ibuprofen may be given for relief of pain and