

Diarrhoea is the frequent passing of loose, watery and
unformed faeces.
Food nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. The waste
is pushed into the large intestine (bowel) where water is removed.
The resulting faeces is stored temporarily within the rectum then
passed out of the body through the anus. Faeces are usually firm,
moist and easy to pass. The term Diarrhoea is used when stools are
passed more than three times a day and when the stools become loose
or watery.
The most common cause of Diarrhoea is an intestinal infection,
such as gastroenteritis or food poisoning. Viruses are responsible
for most cases. The intestinal lining becomes irritated and
inflamed, which blocks the absorption of water from food waste.
Generally, acute diarrhoea resolves after one or two days. Chronic
diarrhoea, which lasts four weeks or more, can be caused by a range
of conditions that affect the intestines including inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD).
Contaminated food and water are common causes of acute
diarrhoea. Some of the infectious agents known to cause diarrhoea
  • Viruses – such as calici virus, adenovirus and
  • Bacteria – such as E. coli, Campylobacter, V. cholerae,
    Shigella, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. 
  • Parasites – such as Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium parvum and
    tapeworm. .
As with all conditions, your Doctor should be consulted. Your
Doctor will help determine the cause of the Diarrhoea e.g. stress,
infection, drugs, alcohol etc and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Ask your Doctor about the latest advice on this ailment. It is very
important that the exact type of Diarrhoea is diagnosed. The
treatment varies for each condition. If a child shows signs of
dehydration e.g drowsiness, passing little urine, few or no wet
nappies, a dry mouth and tongue, is unresponsive etc, you should
contact your GP immediately.
  • Eat foods high in carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice or
    potatoes) and other foods as soon as there is an appetite.
  • Reduce dairy products as well as spicy foods, curries, rich and
    greasy foods. If you must eat, have foods low in fibre as fibre can
    sometimes aggravate the condition. Dry foods are usually the best
    e.g., dry biscuits.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to replace those lost and consider using
    an electrolyte replacement drink. Drink only bottled water while
    travelling. Supplement with acidophilus to help re-establish
    correct bowel flora.
  • Identify food allergies and sensitivities and eliminate these
    foods. Do not allow children to have cow’s milk during an episode
    of viral diarrhoea.
  • Use an eloctrolyte replacement powder or drink as recommended
    by your Pharmacist.
See the Diarrhoea Diet topic on the Healthpoint.
Some herbs are valuable in easing the symptoms of
  • Slippery elm can have a soothing effect on the intestines.
  • Marshmallow may help calm the stomach and soothe intestinal
  • Psyllium husks can absorb water from the stool and sooth the
    intestinal lining. 
  • Activated charcoal may be useful to assist in binding toxins in
    the digestive tract.
  • Acidophilus contains friendly bacteria, such as Lactobacillus
    acidophilus and bifidus which can aid indigestion and fight
The listed essential oils are suggested for the temporary
relief of Diarrhoea. The most specific oils are shown in
MASSAGE: Blend any single listed essential oil or combination
of essential oils – 5 drops (total) to 10mL (1/3 fl oz) carrier oil
ie: Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel. Apply with gentle massage to
abdomen in clockwise direction. Blue Chamomile and Chamomile oil,
when diluted 3% in Jojoba oil, can be blended 10 drops to 10mL (1/3
fl oz) carrier oil and applied in the same manner.
These recommendations are for an adult. For infants over 3
months and up to 2 years, use 1/4 dose i.e.: 1 drop to 10ml (1/3 fl
oz); children 2 – 12 years and during pregnancy use 1/2 dose.
Sometimes it is useful to describe the appearance of the stool
in order to try to identify the condition. Malabsorption syndromes
usually give a watery type stool which may be fatty and greasy and
tends to float on the water. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually
associated with a non bloody mucus with alternating bouts of
constipation and diarrhoea. Different organisms can give different
types of stool odour and colour. For instance ‘Shigella’ organism
have a characteristic blood tinged mucus without any odour.
‘Salmonella’ and ‘Escherichia coli’ organisms tend to cause
greenish soupy stools. Duration of the diarrhoeal episode also may
give an indication of what type of infection is causing the
diarrhoea. Acute episodes of diarrhoea in a previously healthy
person are usually self limiting and last several days. They are
often indicative of an infection. However a more prolonged
diarrhoea can be associated with infections such as ‘Giardia’ and
Ask your Pharmacist for advice.
  1. Your Pharmacist may suggest some tablets containing loperamide
    for simple Diarrhoea. The Pharmacy can offer other anti-Diarrhoea
    mixtures and tablets. 
  2. It is very important to increase fluid intake if you are
    suffering from Diarrhoea. Your Pharmacist can suggest an Oral
    Rehydration Solution (ORS) which will help replace lost fluids and
  3. Check the diet for any food allergies, e.g., tomatoes, seafood.
    This may be a cause.
  4. Look at the Diet Hints especially hot or cold foods as these
    can irritate the bowel.
  5. When travelling in third world countries, drink only purified
    or sealed bottled water as tap water is often contaminated.
  6. Avoid caffeine i.e., coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate etc.,
    as this chemical can stimulate bowel movements and worsen the
    dehydration caused by diarrhoea through a diuretic action
    (increasing the volume of urine). 
  7. Some nutritional supplements may be suggested if the diet is
    inadequate. It may be beneficial to take a daily B group and C
    vitamin as these are water soluble nutrients which may be lost with
    diarrhoea. Large doses of vitamin C may cause Diarrhoea so lower
    the dosage if this is a problem. An acidophilus supplement will
    help to normalise bowel flora and improve absorption.
  8. Slippery elm powder is soothing to the gut, helps firm the
    stool and promotes the growth of helpful bacteria in the gut and
    may be valuable in relieving the symptoms of Diarrhoea.