Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm is a herb with the botanical name Ulmus fulva and
is part of the Ulmaceae family of plants. This herb is native to
Central, Northern United States of America and Canada and is a
small tree with long leaves and very rough branches. The leaf buds
are covered with a dense, yellow, wool like growth. The all
important inner bark is collected from the larger branches and is
sold commercially in strips 60 to 90 cm long. It is very flexible
and can be bent double without breaking. The herb has a
mucilaginous taste and a slight smell.
Slippery elm is also known as Red Elm, Moose Elm and Indian
The inner bark is harvested and ground to a fine powder. This
powder is used in herbal medicine. It contains mucilage (galactose,
3-methyl galactose, rhamnose and galacturonic acid residues),
tannin and complex carbohydrates.
The fine ground bark can be sprinkled on cereals or stirred into
water, yoghurt or juices.
Herbal supplements can alter the effects of certain drugs,
including prescription medications. Always tell your Doctor about
any prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbs
or other dietary supplements you are taking. 
  • Slippery Elm contains substances called tannins, which can
    reduce the absorption of iron supplements if these are taken within
    about two hours of consuming the herb.
  • The mucilage in Slippery Elm may reduce the absorption of any
    oral medications taken with this herb
Always consult your Health Care Professional to advise you on
dosages and any possible medical interactions. The main use of this
herb is to soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the digestive
system. Slippery Elm also becomes a food for beneficial bacteria in
the large intestine which assist in the repair of the digestive
Slippery Elm soothes the inflammation of ulcers in the stomach and
duodenum and provides a protective barrier between the ulcer and
damaging stomach acid. 
Through a reflex action, this herb can also be used to soothe
inflamed and irritated Mucous membranes of the respiratory and
urinary tracts.
Slippery Elm is a valuable herb to assist in relieving the
symptoms of constipation and diarrhoea by soothing inflammation and
increasing stool bulk. It can be used as a soothing nutritious
agent for sensitive digestion during convalescence and
Slippery elm can be used as a poultice on furuncles, abscesses
and ulcers.
Demulcent and emollient properties, nutrient, anti-tussive
(stops coughing).
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water when taking Slippery Elm as it
    is able to absorb many times its own weight in water and may rob
    the body of fluid.
  • Slippery elm is thought to be safe for use during pregnancy and